XRF Corporation provides complete radiation detection & analysis systems for homeland security, first responder, nuclear power, environmental and medical applications. Our products utilize unique solid state CdTe detectors which provide superior detection and identification capabilities. Learn more about the ICS-4000 Radionuclide Identifier product line and our EVA-1 Radiation Alarm for vehicles.
Keywords: ICS-4000 hand-held radionuclide identifier RIID homeland security equipment hazmat analyzer radiation detector for first responders XP probe XM monitor portable gamma spectroscopy nuclear medicine health physics radiation protection radiation instrumentation gamma xray x-ray survey meter dosimeter rate meter multichannel analyzer MCA nuclear physics EPA DOE photon CZT cadmium zinc telluride CdTe cadmium telluride tracer isotope radioactive source high resolution OSHA solid state semiconductor charge sensitive FWHM nuclear power nuclear safeguards NRC Boston Cambridge New England Northeast radioactive radioactivity health physics environment environmental remediation XRF Corp decommission bore hole