Our Boston trademark lawyers are ready to help you protect your valuable intellectual property from
We at Cohn Legal, PLLC - Trademark Lawyers Boston understand the importance of a strong brand name, logo, and slogan. Our Boston trademark lawyers are ready to help you protect your valuable intellectual property from word thieves, copycats, and big corporations. Whether it's drafting and reviewing business contracts, helping you form an agriculture LLC/Corporation, drafting confidentiality agreements and client service agreements, we have got your back. During your onboarding with the firm, we will learn about your needs and craft a fully customized case scope and budget. We take a hands-on approach with our clients and understand deeply each client's particular situation before beginning any work. We are committed to making sure that our clients never find themselves in an adversarial position. We take a proactive approach to legal support.
Keywords: Boston trademark lawyer,
Boston trademark attorney,
register my trademark in Boston,
Boston trademark registration
Interview Q&A
What is your primary product or service?
Contract Review Contract Drafting Website Terms of Use/Privacy Policy Agr. Entity Formation LLC/Corps Confidentiality Agreements Client Service Agreements Search, Preparation, and Filing of Trademark Application Trademark Office Action Response Copyright
What are your hours of operation?
Mon-Fri: 08:30 - 18:00, Sat-Sunday: Closed