Consulting & contract R&D to build prototypes, test & model/simulate in energy, environment & safety
BlazeTech is an engineering consulting and contract R&D firm specializing in energy, fire, explosion, environmental safety and survivability/vulnerability of military systems. We have developed novel, one-of-a-kind instruments and software for the chemical, petroleum, aerospace, defense and power industries that improve the accuracy and reduce the over conservatism due to lack of data. For example: (1) ADORA: the only emission and atmospheric dispersion software that accounts for reaction with ambient air/moisture. (2) BLAZETANK: The only software that determines flammability, ignition, internal overpressure and failure of fuel tanks under flight conditions. It can be used for stationary tanks and tanks on surface and marine vehicles. (3) Oil & Gas, LNG/LPG & Petrochemicals Fires & Explosions: the only software that predicts toxic emission and domino effects hazards (if any) in addition to the typical single-event thermal, blast and dispersion hazards. Our modules include Pool, Dike, Trench, Vapor Cloud and BLEVE Fires, TNT Equivalent and MultiEnergy, Thermal Flux, Disperse and Tank Failure Modes. (4) H2OFate predicts the fate and transport of chemical, biological and radiological agents, contaminants (including disinfection byproducts and pharmaceutical compounds) in drinking water distribution systems. (5) Our data bases covers 2000 plus chemicals and biological agents.
Keywords: explosion, explosive, engineering, consulting, ADORA, atmospheric dispersion model, aircraft safety, aircraft fire, air quality modeling, hydrodynamic RAM, environment, energy, combustion, fire protection, software, reacting agents, CFD, OBOD, OB/OD, open